Call MAAC: 404.880.9323
229 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30303
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Frequently Asked Questions
About MAAC
What does MAAC do?
Formed out of a collaboration between nine private providers in the state of Georgia, MAAC now exists as an independent agency that coordinates placements, services, and supports for youth in foster care. MAAC is dedicated to filling service gaps and building innovative solutions within the child welfare system by collaborating with partner agencies and focusing on providing care coordination and other services that emphasis youth voice and choice at the forefront of everything the organization does.
Each MAAC youth is supported by a staff member dedicated to their unique needs, who follows their case no matter where their placement moves take them.
The MAAC initiative programs are structured to provide solutions to key areas of need identified by youth advocates and stakeholders, including financial literacy, independent living skills, and teen parenting.
How many staff actually work at MAAC?
MAAC has over 65 staff members as of the end of 2019. Our direct care staff provide care coordination on an individual basis for each of the youth we serve, while making sure the young person has a voice and choice in the process. MAAC staff also coordinate services, host trainings for youth and providers, and oversee our programs.
How is MAAC funded?
We rely primarily on state contracts and grants, as well as private donations from supporters like you. Additional funding enables our organization to extend our successful approach to impact even more youth and families.
How is MAAC different from DFCS?
We are similar only in that we staff youth for placements. MAAC is able to customize services and supports for our youth due to our relationship with private providers and independent contractors. Also, only one application is needed to access the services of all of our contracted agencies.
Who does MAAC serve?
Our programs and services are all targeted at youth who have experienced foster care in the state of Georgia. The MAAC Initiatives primarily serve youth who are ILP eligible (14-26 years old).
Does MAAC provide housing for youth?
No, we work with our network of accredited partners to coordinate placements for youth in our Network and PACT programs. MAAC also has programs that address other needs for youth in foster care.
How can I refer a youth to MAAC?
Each program has a different process and referral criteria. To find out more, please click here to visit our referral page!
What does MAAC do?
What does MAAC do?
What does MAAC do?
What does MAAC do?
What does MAAC do?
What does MAAC do?
About Referrals
How do I know which program to refer a youth too?
Please click here to review the program descriptions on the referrals page. Some youth may be eligible for services under more than one program.
If you have further questions about a specific case, please call our office and ask to speak to our Admissions team.
What is the difference between the Network and PACT?
The Network is able to coordinate placements for youth across the state of Georgia. The PACT program has specific eligibility requirements and exists primarily to serve youth with ongoing behavioral health concerns. Please click here to view the full list of PACT criteria.
Which counties does MAAC serve?
MAAC accepts referrals from anywhere in the state of Georgia, but some programs and services may be limited to a specific region.
Who is eligible for Leads?
Youth in the custody of Fulton County DFCS or Dekalb County DFCS are eligible to be enrolled in MAAC LEADS. The youth must be in 7th-12th grade or currently pursuing their GED.
LEADS facilitates educational supports to support youth in reaching graduation or GED completion.
How can a youth be connected to LEADS?
Youth that meet the criteria must be referred to EPAC first. EPAC then routes those youth to MAAC to be added to the program.
If you are connected to an eligible youth who has not yet been enrolled, please call our office and ask to speak to a member of our Admissions team.
What do youth receive in LEADSouth?
Youth will receive an educational coordinator that ensures their iReady assessments for math and reading are completed as well as an Educational Action Plan. Youth are able to receive educational supports including school supplies, credit recovery, educational advocacy and tutoring. This is a brief example of what can be provided as youth needs are individualized, and can be expanded depending on the needs of the youth.