Call MAAC: 404.880.9323
229 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30303
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GA EmpowerMEnt
Program Overview
EmpowerMEnt is an initiative founded by former and current foster youth in Georgia who are working with community leaders to change the foster care system. Our trained advocates are willing to be the voices for youth currently in foster care and collaborate with others to change the system for the better.
Vision & Goals
As foster youth, we believe that transitioning youth in Georgia deserve better and can do better.
We believe our voice and our input can inform the discussion about what we need in Georgia. We have convened and engaged more than 300 current and former foster youth in Georgia to develop the list of EmpowerMEnt priorities. This list was compiled by a youth representing a wide mix of age, race, gender, parental status, geography and foster care placements. It was compiled to help us share our experiences and recommendations.
Our goal is to have child welfare administrators and workers, foster parents, group home workers, child advocates and attorneys, the business and faith community, other youth in and formerly in foster care and other community members hear our voices and join us in advocating for positive changes in the foster care system in the State of Georgia.
How to Participate
You can learn more about EmpowerMEnt by contacting Sarah Bess Hudson ( at 404.880.9323.
If you would like to apply for participation in our EmpowerMEnt program, please click the referral link below.